Texas Presbyterian Foundation

The Next 100 Years: Expanding TPF’s Mission Together

The Next 100 Years: Expanding TPF’s Mission Together

By: The Rev. Dr. Rick Young

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

I Corinthians 13:12 (NIV)

Paul, writing to the church in Corinth about “love,” reminded them that our vision is not always clear when looking into mirrors. The beginning of the year is a time for reflection, allowing us to look back on both our accomplishments and missteps. In 2025, TPF reaches a significant milestone as we celebrate 100 years of enabling and expanding our mission in partnership with others.

There have been times when I’ve looked in the mirror and wondered who that person staring back at me is. I don’t have a funhouse or magic mirror—rather, my eyes see what they want to see, reminding me that viewing the past through a single perspective can be misleading. So together as a team, the TPF Staff took time to reflect on our work.

As we looked back on TPF’s century of service, we also looked ahead to new ways to further God’s mission. This means continuing our commitment to quality service, strong relationships, and high-value investments. We aim to explore opportunities to enhance our partnerships through additional services and products. TPF will also continue expanding our reach to congregations and institutions across the country.

We could rest on our laurels, pat ourselves on the back, or spend all our time reminiscing—but that is not who we are or who we are called to be.

To commemorate our centennial, TPF has established our TPF Centennial Endowment Fund, designed to benefit all our partners by reducing the overall cost of investments. I am honored to be the fund’s first donor with a gift of $1,000, and I invite you to join me in contributing to the Centennial Fund to support future generations. CLICK HERE to donate today! Of course, we also accept checks, wires, and stocks.

Are you interested in learning more about what’s happening in the financial markets and how they are impacting your investments? TPF’s upcoming webinar will cover all this and more. CLICK HERE to register for “The Word on the Street: 2024 Overview and Investment Q&A, on February 4th, 2025 at 11:00 am CT, 12:00 pm ET.