Changing Your World with Donor Advised Funds and Endowments



TPF exists to enable and expand mission, and we can help you create your lasting legacy through a variety of customizable options. Donor Advised Funds and Endowments are two key pieces of our carefully developed planned giving solutions designed to help you change your world.

But what are these two options? How do they work? Which one is best for you?

This interactive conversation, hosted by TPF Relationship Managers Stefanie Marsden and Jake Wilson, explores the main facets of Donor Advised Funds and Endowments including investment options, funding requirements, and sample agreements. 

You’re invited! Learn more about how you can increase your impact on mission through these effective giving opportunities during this webinar, “Changing Your World with Donor Advised Funds and Endowments.” 

CLICK HERE to Register and Watch for this Exciting Webinar!