It’s a Long Race. Let’s Run it Better Together!
By the Rev. Dr. Rick Young, TPF’s President
We have just celebrated another Easter that hopefully reminded each of us that light can come from our darkest moments. Throughout Holy Week we heard stories of the events leading up to Good Friday. The horror of the moment was real, it hurt, yet on Easter Sunday, we celebrate redemption and hope.
Many are feeling hopeless right now with the tragic details of the war in Ukraine assailing us nightly on the news, this country’s financial doldrums with inflation, and higher interest rates. All these things affect us personally, as well as impact the organizations we hold dear.
So where do we turn for hope? We turn to one another and hold tightly.
TPF knows our partners currently face several challenges and issues that have never been faced before. We have seen noteworthy examples of both churches and nonprofits evolving to adjust to this new world in which they now find themselves. Because of this, we believe it is time to join together to explore and discuss some of the hurdles we face in key facets of your missions. I invite you to join me, Stefanie Marsden, and Jake Wilson for our upcoming webinar where we will discuss these hurdles and also outline actionable steps we can take together to make it safely to the finish line.
I hope you will join us Wednesday, May 4, 2022 for “Get On the Right Track: Overcoming New Hurdles to Maximize Your Organization’s Impact on Mission.”
Hope for the impossible and work to make it happen.