TPF Alternative Strategies Fund Closing December 31, 2015

The TPF Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees has determined that effective December 31, 2015, the TPF Alternative Strategies Fund will close for investment.

This fund was established in 2006 to provide returns that have low correlation to traditional stock and bond markets, an additional level of diversification, and a reduction in overall portfolio volatility. Since that time, TPF has established the TPF Defensive Strategies Fund (2010) and the TPF Real Assets Fund (2011) which more efficiently offer the same benefit to a portfolio. Based on the size of the allocation to this investment offering and the high expense of operating the fund, the Committee determined it was no longer a necessary option for our partners.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Beth Wilt of John Furlow for more information at 214.522.3155 or /

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