Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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Tech for Success: 5 Technology Trends to Embrace Now

We know that churches and nonprofit have diverse technological needs. But what can technology really do for you? How can it help you improve the lives of others in 2024? In this new blog post, Mary Beth Forster, our VP, Information Systems answers these questions and more. Check it out today!

Cybersecurity – The Best Offense is a Good Defense

Every day, we face a constantly changing array of cyber attacks. But there are ways you can protect your church or nonprofit. Click here for Mary Beth Foster's advice on effective ways to build a solid defense when it comes to your cybersecurity!

5 Technology Trends You Need to Know About Now!

When it comes to technology, the only thing we know for sure is that everything will change. These changes bring a constant flow of updates and questions for TPF partners. Click here for insight into the 5 trends most likely to affect you over the coming year.

What’s With all This Talk of Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity. What is it? Why is it so important? Click here to read about why it's so important to TPF and find out how we go above and beyond to ensure your data is protected from the ever-changing cyber threats we all face today.

The Increasing Risk of Insider Threats

Insider threats are a plague to companies throughout the world, and unfortunately, churches and non-profits face these same threats. What exactly are insider threats, and how can they affect you?