Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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Navigating the Current Financial Landscape: Key Trends Impacting You Today

TPF is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of of excellence and innovation in the field of institutional investment education. Click here to learn more about John Furlow's thoughts on the key trends impacting the financial markets and your investments today.

Talking to the Generations: Bridge the Gap to Reach Audiences of All Ages

Effective cross-generational communication is key to connecting with donors and church members. But where do you start? What is the best way to bridge the gaps between generations? This blog post from Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing, answers these questions and more.

Tech for Success: 5 Technology Trends to Embrace Now

We know that churches and nonprofit have diverse technological needs. But what can technology really do for you? How can it help you improve the lives of others in 2024? In this new blog post, Mary Beth Forster, our VP, Information Systems answers these questions and more. Check it out today!

First, Answer the Question!

Communication is key to inspiring generosity in your congregation. This blog post from Jake Wilson, provides useful strategies you can easily implement to ensure you are growing an enthusiastic culture of trust to support your efforts to enable and expand your mission. Click here to learn more!

Looking Forward: A “Little” Ministry is Good Medicine

Great things are happening all around us. Despite undeniable challenges facing our churches at every turn, we have so much to look forward to in the coming year. Click here for The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on growing our mission and ministries in 2024.

Mid-Year Market Spotlight: What Does the Future Hold?

Are you interested in what's happening now in our financial markets? It's true. We're making history! TPF's new blog post from our President, Rick Young, discusses what is happening and what might be coming in the future. Click here to check it out and learn more!

ACHIEVING GREAT THINGS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning and Executing Your Philanthropic Event

It's true that in-person philanthropic events can help you maximize your impact on your mission. But where do you start? What should be your focus? Click here to read Stefanie Marden's new step-by-step guild to planning and executing a successful live event.

5 Reasons Why: Sustainability with Endowments

Endowment Funds can help churches and nonprofits support their mission for years into the future. Click here to learn more about Jake Wilson's thoughts on why these funds are critical when it comes to achieving sustainability and stability.

TPF Partner Tools FAQ: What You Really Want to Know

TPF provides two secure online portals to help you safely and easily manage your investment account to maximize your impact on mission. In this blog post, Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing answers some of your most frequently asked questions about this useful tools...

Market Spotlight for 2023: TPF Experts Talk and We Listen

What's happening in our financial markets? What can we expect in 2023? Click here to read Rick Young's thoughts on what our experts are saying now!