Texas Presbyterian Foundation

It’s Possible! Unification Through Diversification

By John Furlow, TPF’s Executive Vice President & COO

Churches and non-profit organizations—we’re stronger together than apart. That’s why TPF has worked tirelessly to diversify our partner base. But why? Today, we see many churches and non-profit organizations facing similar challenges in their efforts to change the lives of others. TPF helps them attack these challenges and provides a unifying means of support that helps them have a greater impact on mission.

For many of our partners, the following describes key struggles they face daily:

  1. Shrinking Resources: Let’s face it. Today, for a variety of reasons, most churches and non-profit organizations have been streamlined to increase efficiencies. Do less with more is the story. Unfortunately, this usually serves to strain the staff and add a sense of urgency to fundraising and generosity efforts. To help eliminate this sense of urgency, TPF offers our partners a library of educational resources designed specifically to address these issues.
  2. Changing Landscape: What does your donor-base look like? Who are your primary givers? What’s important to them? The answers to these questions have most likely changed drastically in the past several years, and they will continue to change in the future. Non-profit organizations and churches alike are scrambling to navigate the constantly changing landscape of their constituents. At TPF, we face similar challenges with our own changing landscape, and we constantly analyze and assess these changes to ensure we implement and recommend the best strategies to nimbly meet these evolving needs.
  3. Advancing Technology: Just like time, technology marches on. And we know that it can be almost impossible to keep up. Whether it’s ensuring your systems and data are secure, creating an effective online giving portal, or creating digital communication, churches and nonprofits both struggle to stay current, relevant, and most importantly safe, when it comes to their technology. While we cannot provide technology support, TPF does act as a technology resource to our partners regarding matters of data protection and cybersecurity, online giving, and digital communications.

TPF remains dedicated to helping our partners navigate these challenges with low-cost fund management and philanthropic giving solutions. Because we serve this diverse group of partners, we are better able to help each fulfill their individual missions. Really, it’s a function of basic math. TPF’s operating costs are essentially fixed, and as our assets under management increase, the net charge to the pooled funds decreases, which means a lower expense ratio. Simply stated, the more assets TPF manages, the lower our cost to our partners. In this way, we enable and expand mission, together.
